The images and links on this page are for QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench. The information is also valid for CLC Main Workbenches.

An error message that looks like this:



indicates that you have copied a license file for a network license into the licenses folder under your CLC Workbench installation area.

Network licenses are made available using the CLC Network License Manager (previously known as CLC License Server software). They should not be copied into an area under your Workbench installation.

Assuming you already have the CLC Network License Manager software installed, the general process for installing and upgrading network licenses is:

  1. Install the license in the CLC Network License Manager.  
  2. Remove any old network license files.
  3. Restart the CLC Network License Manager. 
    The above three steps need to be carried out by your CLC Network License Manager administrator. 
  4. If you have copied a network license file into the licenses folder of the CLC Workbench, then remove that file. (If you leave a network license file in this area, you will continue to see license errors appear.)
  5. Configure your CLC Workbench to connect to your Network License Manager. How do to this is described in the manual here:

Section from the manual where downloading a network license is covered:

Full instructions for the CLC Network License Manager, including information on downloading licenses, can be found in the manual, which is available from:

The CLC Network License Manager software can be downloaded from: